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Expand your knowledge and training with these co-located opportunities



EP Digital + Live brings the content of POWER and the insights of power industry experts directly to your desktop or mobile device now, culminating with our live event this fall. We know the power industry will get through this together, and when we do, the ELECTRIC POWER Conference will offer the forum to share best practices gleaned from the experience.

See the New Agenda


Gain access to webinars, forums, on-demand sessions, live Q&A, and more from POWER editors, power generation industry experts, and innovative solution-providers now via our digital platform on your desktop or mobile device and in-person this fall.


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Our exhibition will provide a safe environment with protocols in place to visit companies showcasing proven equipment, breakthrough technologies, and required services that provide the solutions needed to make your facility and infrastructure safer, more reliable, more resilient, and ready to transition with the evolving power generation industry.

See the New Agenda


We’ve always been known as the event where generating companies meet, but now we make it easier than ever for power generators, EPCs, and OEMs to attend!

If you generate at least 1kW of power, work for an Engineering/Procurement/Construction company, or are an Original Equipment Manufacturer, you are eligible for this low rate.

bkcolor -


Our expanded program, EP Digital + Live, provides online and in-person access to an unparalleled lineup of speakers sharing current, relevant insights into the changes and challenges facing the power industry. For full list of sessions please click here.

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Renuka Chatterjee


Jeffrey Goldmeer

GE Power

Brian Meek

Kansas Municipal Utilities

Emilie Nelson

New York Independent System Operator

See All Speakers


See who's the best of the best. Our sponsors are industry leaders who provide only the best solutions and services to keep your facility running and your infrastructure up-to-date. If you see their company here, you should be doing business with them.

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Access all ELECTRIC POWER conference sessions, networking events, lunch, general and keynote sessions, and exhibit hall.
Regular Rate Expires 9/28/2023
Access all ELECTRIC POWER conference sessions, networking events, lunch, general and keynote sessions, and exhibit hall.
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ELECTRIC POWER Conference & Hotel Package
Includes the ELECTRIC POWER Conference Pass at a discount and 3-night hotel stay at the Loews Kansas City Hotel.
Regular Rate Expires 9/21/2023
Includes the ELECTRIC POWER Conference Pass at a discount and 3-night hotel stay at the Loews Kansas City Hotel.
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Expo Only Pass
Access the ELECTRIC POWER exhibition, keynote session, general sessions, networking receptions, and your choice of 3 ELECTRIC POWER Conference sessions.
Regular Rate iphone手机如何上外网
Access the ELECTRIC POWER exhibition, keynote session, general sessions, networking receptions, and your choice of 3 ELECTRIC POWER Conference sessions.
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EP Digital Pass
Pay only $199 if you register by June 24! Access all ELECTRIC POWER livestreams, digital sessions, online webinars, online meetings, virtual networking, and more via our desktop digital platform, June 24-September 27, 2023.
Rate Expires 9/27/2023

Pay only $199 if you register by June 24! Access all ELECTRIC POWER livestreams, digital sessions, online webinars, online meetings, virtual networking, and more via our desktop digital platform, June 24-September 27, 2023.

Get Pass
Get Pass 苹果怎么浏览国外的网站 Expires 9/27/2023 $199
Register Now


DEEP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR SENDING 3 OR MORE! Contact Jill Dean at jdean@accessintel.com or 713-343-1880.

Register Now


Kansas City, the original Gateway to the West, is known for its warm, welcoming hospitality. The new Loews Kansas City Hotel embodies that feeling from the minute you walk through the front doors. It starts with one of the most convenient locations in town—directly connected to the Kansas City Convention Center and within walking distance to the city’s most exciting dining and entertainment in the Kansas City Power & Light District. There’s a swirl of fresh energy in downtown KC and Loews Kansas City Hotel puts you in the center of it all.

Book Today

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Kansas City, Missouri

Event Highlights

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